Your Yoga Center
on Lake Garda

Lotus Nath Home is the yoga center open to all, created to promote your inner well-being.

Go to the course timetables Why do Yoga?

Dedicated Yoga Center

with room reserved for yoga and room used for relaxation and meditation

Multi-graduate Teacher

lessons that integrate and deepen different yoga methods

Multifunctional Yoga

free body yoga alternating with yoga with equipment provided by the centre

Yoga and Counseling

an opportunity to explore and discover more resourceful and well-being ways of living.

The Yoga Center

Welcome to the Lotus Nath Home Yoga Center, your yoga school on Lake Garda.

A yoga center used for practice and lessons, with a large room dedicated to the discipline and a space for moments of relaxation and meditation.

Riduci lo stress

This place was created to promote the well-being of each individual, a space of brightness and lightness, where you can develop a profound yogic practice, capable of creating that inner change that allows you to activate your essence and express the best of you.

Teacher with many years of training, who has followed a training course in Italy and abroad. She offers Hatha Yoga and Vinyasa Flow lessons, breathing exercises, guided relaxation and various meditation methods, such as Mindfulness, Vipassana and Kriya yoga.

Light your path

Immerse yourself in the charm of a timeless teaching inspired by ancient wisdom transmitted by living masters.

It's not just Yoga, there's more

You will find counseling training, to delve deeper into the structures of personalities, references to mind-body connections, with the possibility of acquiring concepts that concern prevention and improvement of the state of well-being.

Lotus Nath Home spaces

Yoga center in Costermano with two practice rooms, group and individual lessons live in the classroom, possibility of making up missed lessons, online classes in streaming with video call, recording of the lesson to catch up on the lesson at home, Different types of practice.

A space of light and lightness, for a deep yoga practice, to express the best of yourself.

Hatha Yoga courses

The courses are aimed at everyone, from beginners to more experienced practitioners. They are indicated as a supplement to various sporting activities, for postural re-education, to take care of oneself and re-establish harmony between body, breathing and emotions.

The asanas (positions or postures) are carried out by listening and correcting the joint alignment, in order to respect and protect the body while developing strength and flexibility, allowing the mind to be completely immersed in the practice, training it in presence.

Yoga positions, performed correctly, create muscular support that strengthens the body in every part, relieving tension in the spine and all segments that are not in balance.

The flexibility that is achieved with practice allows very large movements and generates a sensation of space and inner lightness. All systems, systems and organs benefit enormously from it, improving their functionality and increasing oxygenation.

Constant practice overcomes time, regenerates the body and mind, bringing back freshness and vitality.

The lessons are always different and multidisciplinary, to delve into different yoga methods, with lessons that vary both in technique and in philosophical and psychological content.

Tones the body

You will discover how to make your body toned and flexible but above all how to feel light and stable.

Each lesson is enriched with Pranayama and Prana Vidya techniques which, through breathing and concentration, help you increase and channel energy.

These practices are fundamental in managing emotions and allow you to experience them fully, developing stability and resilience.

Each practice is a precious jewel, a piece of knowledge that enriches our inner being. Through the study of these practices, we will discover how to build our yoga practice to create our awareness, illuminating our path to self-realization and inner peace.

Winter Course Times: from 9 September 2024 until 12 June 2025


9:20 – 10:30
Vinyasa Flow

17:30 – 18:40
Hatha Yoga
intermediate level

19:00 – 20:10
Hatha Yoga
intermediate level


9:20 – 10:30
Hatha Yoga
intermediate level

18:00 – 19:10
Hatha Yoga
intermediate level

19:30 – 20:40 (*)
Hatha Yoga
intermediate level

(*) after October 1st, 2024


09:20 – 10:30
Hatha Yoga
basic level

18:00 – 19:10
Hatha Yoga
basic level


9:20 – 10:30
Hatha Yoga / Vinyasa Flow
advanced level

18:30 – 19:40
Hatha Yoga / Vinyasa Flow
advanced level

20:00 – 21:10
Hatha Yoga / Vinyasa Flow
advanced level

Why Yoga? Here are the Benefits of Yoga!

1. Contributes to the well-being of the heart

With relaxation and meditation techniques it intervenes on the heart rate.

2. Improves the use of lung capacity

Through Pranayama (a technique that channels energy through breathing) it allows you to increase the lung ventilation capacity.

3. Reduces Stress

Thanks to specific breathing and certain Sankalpa (purpose, belief in being able to achieve what the mind intends) it induces a release of tensions and a redirection of thoughts.

4. Facilitates the functioning of the digestive system

The practice of some Asanas (positions) such as twists and Uddiyana Bandha (abdominal vacuum or hypopressive gymnastics), favors an increase in body heat and an activation of intestinal peristalsis which tends to improve digestive and excretory capacity.

5. Tones muscles and increases joint mobility

By working in different positions, with all muscle chains and most joints, it creates strength and flexibility, improving posture and balance.

6. Relieves headaches

It allows the release of tensions through muscle stretching and complete breathing which facilitates the ability to move away from the perception of discomfort.

7. Evolve self-awareness

It favors experiences that allow a change in the state of consciousness, allowing us to explore non-ordinary internal dimensions.

8. Improves mood

It induces a progressive change in mental attitude, decreasing the stressful perception of events and therefore a lower production of cortisol and consequently of inflammatory substances. This leads to a decrease in the risk of anxiety and depression and in general an increase in psycho-physical well-being.

9. Helps you eat in a healthy and balanced way

It creates a state of centering that allows you to introduce an adequate quantity of food and encourages you to have a healthy lifestyle even when choosing food.

10. Increases attention and concentration

It reverses the brain patterns that lead to worry, poor attention and mind wandering, generating the ability to listen and be present towards oneself and others.

11. Helps sleep

Work on the ability to enter a state of surrender, of trust, of abandonment of resistance. Turning off your mind and deactivating the will to fall asleep allows you to fall into sleep.

Free Yoga Lesson!

The importance of finding the right yoga teacher

Embarking on a journey with yoga requires the scrupulous choice of a teacher who is able to guide and accompany the student effectively. For this reason, it is essential to give yourself a trial lesson. This meeting allows you to evaluate whether the teacher's approach and style resonate with your needs and whether the lesson environment is welcoming and stimulating.

Benefits of an appropriate teacher

Tuning with the teacher

During the trial lesson, it is important to observe whether the teacher communicates clearly, provides detailed instructions and demonstrates attention to the individual needs of the students. Furthermore, it is essential to evaluate whether her teaching style and personality are in line with your preferences.

Teaching methodology

It is helpful to understand the teaching method used by the teacher and evaluate whether it fits your experience level and personal goals. For example, some teachers focus more on the physical aspect of yoga, while others place emphasis on breathing and meditation.

Lesson environment

The atmosphere of the lesson is an aspect that should not be underestimated. It is important to feel comfortable in the space where you practice yoga and feel a sense of welcome and inclusion.

Benefits of a trial lesson

Conscious choice

The trial lesson allows you to make an informed choice of the teacher and the yogic path to undertake.

Direct experience

It offers the opportunity to experience firsthand the teacher's teaching style and the atmosphere of the lesson.

Avoid disappointments

It allows you to avoid enrolling in a course that doesn't meet your expectations.

The choice of yoga teacher is a fundamental aspect of undertaking a yogic journey with success and satisfaction. Giving yourself a trial lesson is an essential step to evaluate the harmony with the teacher, the teaching methodology and the lesson environment, thus guaranteeing a positive and rewarding experience.

For all these reasons,

if you want to start doing Yoga in Costermano Yoga Center with the teacher Patrizia Bresciani, I remind you that you can come and try the first lesson for free, even after the course has started.

Contact me and you can experience this discipline in person.

I am waiting for you !

The courses are open to everyone and for all ages

To participate in the courses, NO membership to associations or membership cards is required.


Weekly courses


Dedicated rooms


Yoga days

